05 March 2011

Why do we "bodybuilders" shave our body ?

Bodybuilders are not naturally "clean skined" .
Actually , if I dont shave my entire body once a week I might turn into a
cookie monster . Because , working-out daily boosts your testesterone levels to sky high . Testesterone is well-known for being responsible of growing hair .

I decided to write about this because I get way too much question .
People wonder why do we shave our body .

There are several reasons . Some of them theories , some of them proven to be helpful what we are doing .

  • For competation
Hair is tend to hide defination of muscle . So when you are in a posing competation Hairless always > Hairy .
Also hair is unnecessary weight .

  • To make working-out easier
Hair got stuck in machines or sometimes you pull your hair while working-out .
It is painfull and makes you lose your concentration .
Also less hair = less air friction . Less air friction means easier to move your body .

  • To make you gain more muscle ( This is still a theory ) ; 
Maintaining and growing hair need nutraints . Cutting hair off leads to lesser maintain energy levels . More nutraints are able to used in body .
Hair is mostly creatine . Creatine is a essential for metabolism to produce energy . Creatine is used to create ATP in body . Maintaining and growing hair depends on creatine ingestion . With lesser hair your body will have more creatine to use on your energy metabolism .

  • Other cosmatic reason
Some people thinks hair is "manly" some people don't think that way .


  1. makes sense, from what Jay Cutler told me it was this and it helps cosmetically with the oil

  2. after reading all of that, at the end...I still kind of wanted a cookie.

    Thanks a lot cookie monster! (;

  3. To look buffer? :D lol Keep up the working out man!

  4. I'm not blue enough to be the cookie monster.

  5. We Martial Artists tend to shave everywhere too. Believe it or not, it improves high kicking accuracy. Don't ask me how...

  6. "Hair is tend to hide defination of muscle . So when you are in a posing competation Hairless always > Hairy .
    Also hair is unnecessary weight ."

    Never thought about this. I suppose it makes sense.

  7. some kind of funny post :D
    A man must have hairs...

  8. We pirates are hairy muther effers. Other then that, you seem to have some good tips and I have been looking at getting into shape after years of poor diet in college.

  9. I like to jog often, and shaving all my excess hair really makes a big difference. Less heat build up, more stamnia to use in the long run.

    Also I just bought new balance trainers, was using boots before (mad I know lol) Alot less ache after my 30 min run just because of a simple footwear change.

  10. Yeah but I guess for the normal person it is better not to shave his entire body because in my opinion it seems more masculin.

  11. Great post. Makes sense why bodybuilders shave.

  12. I once shaved all my bodyhair, but people made fun of me, so now no shaving legs or arms :D

  13. I don't see the harm in a bit of hair for non-body builders, but I can see why you do it in your case.

  14. Excuses, excuses ;)

    Body builders just like the smooth feel.

  15. u must spend ages just taking care of ur body...

  16. Shave to let them muscle shine through like sunshine.

  17. I used to work out a lot and use creatine supplements, now I'm lazy as hell lol.

  18. Fellow cookie monster here.

    No Shave November always has me looking like werewolf at the end of it.

  19. I don't know about shaving like that. Sounds excessive lol.

  20. Hmm interesting theory about gaining more muscle when shaved. Gonna look into this...

  21. pretty radical to shave your body because it might save some nutraints lol. i like some chesthair, i just dont feel very comfortable shaven completely

  22. I've just started to work out, no idea how far I'm going to take it but I've started increasing my calorie consumption and started taking supplements. Sick of having bitch tits.

  23. this is why i take my workout easy, i dont want to increase my testosterone levels

  24. You convinced me that shaving your body isn't gay at all.

  25. I've never heard that it helps muscle grow, but I guess that it makes since (somewhat) haha

  26. Haha I never stopped to think about this

  27. People will do anything if they think it's worth it.

  28. Huh. I never knew that.
